Wednesday, January 07, 2009


so life is back to normal.

mike is in his 3rd phase in school with new teachers and mostly same students.

I'm in my last week of my first 2 classes, monday I will start my next block (2 classes). this week is crazy with my school. i have 2 major projects due, one is done, but my 2nd project is really stumping me. i'll get it done though.

heather is gone. it was a blast having her here for 2 weeks. lots of laughs, lots of adventure, fun holidays. as the pics showed below...we went to LA, Santa Monica, Venice, San Francisco, downtown Sac. it was good to get a chance to get down to SoCal.

I think our dogs are depressed because the lack of people and activeness. They've been sleeping a lot lately.

I'm looking into different volunteer opportunities in Sacramento. I feel I have so much time on my hands that I want to do something more than just sitting on my butt. I have school, yes, but I do still do have quite a bit of time that I could be using for good use.

I don't know...I'm thinking helping blind people play Bingo. haha! what you think??

I'm not the best with strangers, striking up convos with random people, so I'm thinking maybe I'm volunteer at the Humane Society and hang out with dogs.

I'm still looking, we'll see what I come up with.

this is kind of a boring post, but whatev.

1 comment:

Bla Bla said...

I say, yes...go with helping the blind play bingo!!!