Wednesday, January 14, 2009

you know when you listen to music and it takes you back to a certain place or time. yea i'm listening to music that reminds me of seattle. i miss it. don't get me wrong i love where we are now, but there is just something that always pulls me back to seattle.

anyways. waiting for mike to come home from school. not a whole bunch happening right now.

I'm still learning about myself as the days go by. I would love to be someone who has it all figured out, but I'm just not.

I realized that I'm a "phaser" --as mike calls me. I start something and I fade out of it within a couple of days, weeks, months, whatever the length of time may be. I think that is a big reason that I have not accomplished pretty much anything in my life. Thats why I think I'm not further along with music, school, or life in general. I lose motivation quickly. I hate this part of me.

How do i change? How do I continue with something? I don't know, because even if I'm motivated in the beginning, i lose it. How do i keep the motivation?

I don't know...

On another note, I've been keeping up with everyone's blog, i love reading about people's lives and journeys. I look back at my blog, boring at times, yes, I can't believe I have like 5 years of blogging on this site...i guess i didn't phase out of this! Old faithful.

Well I think I'm calling it quits for tonight. Thanks for reading, faithful readers of mine!

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