Sunday, September 12, 2004


i tried to chase the sunset tonight, and take pics. but it went down too fast. it was so beautiful. it reminded me, a little, of the skies in FL. all the incredible pinks, oranges, and purples. it just confirms how wonderful God is. i hope i never forget nights like these where God is just faithful in the little things. and SO peaceful. nights, wherever i'm at i can just look up and see the artwork and feel that peace that transcends all understanding.


chasing the sunset again
on this sunday night
all the colors in the wind
they all just pass me by

seeing the sun in your eyes
i see your smile in the sky
not a day goes by
that i don't wonder why? for me.

Saturday, September 11, 2004


man, God is good! it seems like with every new day, he has something new for on top of all his mercy. today, i'm up at crossroads retreat in Duluth, MN. at first i was skeptical about it because it was a bunch of older people, but as the day unfolded God just had me/ or forced me to open up with these people. Which is good. i've realized that with all the moving i have done and all the people i have met, and then moving again, i just began to close up and not let people in. the reason is probably the fear of leaving again and losing that great friendship. so why even try to start new relationships? i'm beginning to realize that God brings people into my life for that time that i'm in at that moment. don't worry about the future. it'll take a while until i fully understand what i just typed. but just realizing it is a good start. another thing God has put on my heart is the 2 words "....I heard..." i hate gossip, but i find myself gossiping all the time, why? i think of the vs. in Rom. 7:15- for what i want to do, i do not do, but what i hat to do, i do.---gossip! it's scary how so often people(myself included), so to speak, "sugarcoat" gossip and pass it off as sharing what is happening in ministry w/ different people--"how are they doing spiritually" , "i've been praying for this person because....", or "Pray for this person because,...." i know i know, this is a little out there, but i don't even want to think of saying those things w/ wrong motives. and i know i'm sure not alot of people actually do.. i just want to make sure my motives are right and not fall into that trap of gossip.

side note...the city of duluth, mn is BEAUTIFUL!! i would probably never want to live there, but maybe vacation in the summer was an amazing place.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


its so easy for me to go day by day and not think twice about God's love for me and for others. why can't i automatically think of God when i see a tree or a rainbow? i need to. God's amazing and he gives these things to me because he loves me. i'm reading in Rom. 4 and it talks about Abraham and his faith, which in return, God credits him righteous. i want that kind of faith, not just to get something from God, but just to have faith because God is faithful to me and powerful. Bottom line, i want God's heart and I need the mind of Christ, cause my own mind is so polluted by this world.

*Rom. 5:20- where sin increased, grace increased all the more.*
*Rom. 6:18- you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.*
*Rom. 6:23- for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, in Jesus Christ.*