Friday, October 31, 2008


so i was watching tv and a Dr. Phil commercial came on, letting people know what's on monday's talked about abduction....then, it cuts to a REALLY familar face, and she was talking about her own abduction! I was shocked!! I know someone who is going to be on DR. PHIL!!!

Jessica Mullenberg, thinking back, I almost remember the fact that she got abducted. I think she was in Jackson with me (my elementary) otherwise she was in PJs with me (junior high) she was a total tom-boy and a year older than me, but we got along really well and if i remember correctly, i think we rode the same bus and it's crazy that her voice hadn't even changed, just how i remembered.....anyways, so i went on a search to find more about it...and here it is...

copy and paste. check it out.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


so yea...officially started school again...!! And I am really excited about it so far. I think this online thing is way better for me then sitting in a stupid classroom, listening to someone lecture. It's on my time, but yet assignments are due on certain days so I still have constrictions, which is super good for me. When I did the classes back in the day with berean, it was just whenever I wanted to do them and ha, what you know, they never got finished. Anyways, so yea, really happy i started.

In 20 months I will have a AA degree, comtemplating whether or not I should continue on to get my Bachelors in something! For now, day by day.

in other news. nada. ha. still enjoying the nice hot fall that is upon us out here.

I will be hopefully purchasing a new car this weekend... no more Cali cruiser. It def. has seen better days. Ha. It has been helpful having it out here though, so we're grateful, just ready for a new ride.

anyways. thats it i think. it's 1 30 am, waiting for mike to get home soon. yawning. tired. my dog's eye has something wrong with it. stressed. whatev.

Monday, October 20, 2008


watching Dancing with the Stars. still pretty bored. i start school in 6 days. can't wait. I'm going to start recording tomorrow.
sarah told me about a website and you can put new hair-do's on yourself and bout this for me?

mike doesn't like this one...i do. what do you think?

some gross ones...hahaha. enjoi.
beautiful. ha.

you wanna see me w/ curly it is...ha.


Monday, October 06, 2008


i'm sitting on my couch and i'm so bored. it's 11 30 pm, i'm waiting for mike to come home. everyday it's school for him from 4:30 pm to 1:30 am. so we're on a completely different schedule from what we did in roch.

so anyways, got me thinking. all the noise off. just my thoughts. i can't believe life. what our lives have become. i guess for me, a place i never thought i'd be. first off, married. ha. never thought i would be married. growing up i was always, "katie cass, never having a boyfriend, and certainly never getting married" how that became, not sure, but sitting here over a year that i have been married, feeling so content and happy. to start our "new" life together out here in Cali, has been so awesome. we're the same people but more "together" more "connected" it seems. i could not imagine my life with anyone else nor would i want to.

Secondly, feeling disappointed in relying so heavily on my own plans. I guess I just thought everything would just fall into place, jobs, music opportunities, money, and i'm sitting here, very down. Cause for some reason all my life i thought forsure by age 25 i would have been doing something amazing in music and that area of my life and i'm sitting here, completely opposite. not doing music and never having done anything 'amazing" with music. not really sure what "amazing" means, but I know there would be a feeling of happiness and contentment if i had done something. who knows the future and i've come to the point of just living for today. who cares about tomorrow...we'll figure that out when it comes, if it comes.

but on the other hand, not trying to plan the future...i do also know that time has come to get education. I have no idea exactly what i'll go for but i'm going to start...again. ha.

i have never thought of my time in all the places i've lived to be a waste of time at all, but i do wish i was a little smarter, instead of just thinking that experience was enough, to have a little backing with education to go along with the experience. I'm realizing more and more that i'm never going to get a "good" job or one that i really want with limited knowledge of the areas that mean the most to me. so i'm starting school. hopefully i can still get a full semester of credits even though i'm getting a late start or at least 2 or 3 classes and start full next semester. mike and I love the idea of starting careers, for the most part, at the same time. he'll be done in a year and i'll be done in 2 years (that is if i don't continue to get my BA in something)

I'm still working on getting a job, as well, part time though, so i can focus on the school. I haven't heard from any jobs yet, which is crazy to me, but i'm not complaining about the down time i have had. i'm ready to start something. to do something.

I am also wanting to get my songs recorded so I'm trying to work on that as well. So for everyone who has ever asked if i have a cd...i can say "yea, here...5 bucks suckers" ha and friends...3 bucks for you. ha j/k.

so that's kind of an update/thoughts blog...i'm excited to, again, start a new chapter in a new chapter. ha.