Tuesday, June 28, 2005


pics, pics, pics...thats all i can say at the moment...
take a look at this thing of beauty... Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 26, 2005


never felt this way before. it's not my favorite.

again, that's all for now.

Friday, June 24, 2005


The opportunity of a lifetime, must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.

chew on that...


Tuesday, June 21, 2005


so i'm back, it wasn't a long absence.

so i'm realizing that, it's ok to not know the future. who says, there is goin to be a tomorrow, anyways? not to be depressing, but it's true. i'm living for this moment. what can i do to impact someone's life RIGHT NOW? hmmm....life is great when i'm not worrying about tomorrow. all the while, not forgetting God has great plans for me. so i'm just sitting back relaxing. doing what i need to be doing right now. and trusting.

i had a good weekend. and i'm having a great day off so far. i'm about to go to the Depot to find paint colors for Darrell's house...(my space in Darrell's house) and the MOST EXCITING NEWS....!!!!!.....

I getting a dog!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! i fell in love with it the moment i saw her...it was goin to be Darrell's but i'm goin to be paying for getting her fixed and junk like food and whatever else...perfect size, very cute, but hardcore too...you dont' want to mess with her...i'm SOOOO excited, i can't wait!!! it's a bigger chihuahua(sp?) mixed with something, probably some sort of Terrier. it's chocolate colored...first purchased i'm getting her, is probably a spiked collar, we'll see!! AHHHHH...i can't even contain my excitement.

God is SOOO good, even in the little things, He likes to surprise you and bless you!!!! He continues to bless me everyday...even just by getting a dog. something i've wanted for a long time!!

ok i'm excited i get to start beginning to plan the colors for the house. woo woo.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


so i'm sitting in andy's office right now, engulfed in a huge project. we recorded audio and video of worship tonight, so i can send it out...to wherever...hehe. anyways, i'm recording the video onto dvd and recording my vocals again, above the band, for the audio...anyways, it better turn out at least decent, cause it's goin to be a long night. i'm guessing, i'll be here till 2 am. but who knows. all by myself. silence.

i'm in transition. i don't mind it. cause i know ultimately God is molding me into someone awesome. uncharted waters, if you will. but still at peace.

i think i'm goin to take a break from writing on blogger for a while...i don't know how long, but just to switch it up. i'm sorry, to my faithful readers, but i'll be back.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


i'm reading some good stuff lately. and re-listening to some sermons a good pal gave to me. everything is good. i'm slowly starting to realize things about who i am, who God created me to be.

-side note: i'm listening to a cd right now from a different room...and it's completely skipping, i hate when cd's skip, thank the LORD for iTunes.-

anyways. so late last night, me, matty call, and bandon went to walk around silver lake, i guess, it's known to be the biggest crime area in Rochester. whatever!! i had to pee so bad, but it was still enjoyable. i love matt call. and he frickin' rocks my socks off when he starts to play bass.

i am moving in with darrell...it's official. i have the basement. he said that i can paint and decorate however i want in my room and the bathroom down there...i'm excited for that. so i'm goin to get out my sweet Trading Spaces books and start getting ideas. ok well i'm done, since i'm just writing random crap now. so till next time...

Monday, June 13, 2005


here's a taste of some stuff that has been goin on with me, recently... enjoi.

so i guess there was a rumor started or something, in our youth group, that i wasn't dating Andre anymore. weird. gotta love those rumors.

and so now. my living situation is up in the air, again. i hate this. i was just goin to move in with Darrell, cause he bought a house. i'd pay rent, but i wouldn't sign a lease, and considering i'm probably goin to be moving sometime soon...that proved beneficial to me, not to have to sign a lease. anyways, now people are having a fit about co-ed living, even though all the guys here are like brothers to me. but whatever, people always have their thoughts and opinions. and i've been the forsure renter for darrell all along, everyone else wanted to rent from him, has been up in the air. anyways, so pretty sure, it's either living with darrell, or i'll see ya in stevens point, come august 1st.

i hate bills. more and more it seems, i hate spending money. even if i'm buying something for myself. i think there is so much i want to do in the near future and i need money to do them...so i just don't want to spend money on things like, food, rent, cell phone, etc. maybe i'll cancel my cell phone...wouldn't that be interesting, being in a long distance relationship w/o a phone, hmmm...no. anyways. God will provide, as long as i'm doin what i can. so on that note...i gotta get ready for work....

Friday, June 10, 2005


here's my thoughts....as random as they come.

-i want to buy a plane ticket out to Seattle, end of July. but they are so freakin' expensive.
-andre is coming beginning of august. can't wait.
-reality is here. but butterflyz are still around too.
-is it bad to say, "i wish i had tons of money" frankly, i don't care if it is bad, i'm saying it anyways.
-being real is where it's at.
-i hate beating around the bush, as chelsey b. would say, dont' beat around it, just cut it down. i like that.
-i can't eat after 7 pm. sometimes it's hard, but i can do it.
-i really need to get an eye exam done, so i can get new contacts for my eyeballs.
-andy and christy are getting married in less than 2 months, crazy junk.
-i love john mayer. always will. don't get me started.
-i don't like half-"a"ing anything.

hmm. i'm getting bored with this. all i can say is....

FINALLY. just....finally. that word has a deeper meaning to me, starting today. it's good. so good.

and it's SOOOO hot.

Monday, June 06, 2005


things are changing. not for the worse, but not for the better either. i dont' know exactly what is all going on. it's weird. it's just that once things are done or said a certain way, and then change, it kind of messes me up. it makes me read into everything. i hate reading into things. i don't think things will ever be the same now. i liked the times before, but better days are coming. hopefully. that's all right now.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

group. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
hill-billy chicas. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
ultimate water ballooning. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
K-dog and Cara. awe. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
just thought is was a cool shot. drop in. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
Bandon. hmmm...weird kid. he he. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
Jordan. good times. enough said. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
me on kurtis's motorcycle. i got to drive it. i want a bike SOOO bad. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
Andy snakeboarding. 6-1.  Posted by Hello
Dan's new car. so crazy...that's all i can say....6-1. Posted by Hello
Kel-air and Me. living it up hill billy style. 6-1. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


ok, so i'm back. in rochester. was in celebration, FL. really liked it. great people. i really want to beable to see my boyfriend everyday, if i choose, i just don't have that option right now. anyways. so first of all. thursday my plane was delayed 3 or 4 hours. sucked. got into FL. around 10 to 9. Andre called me. he parked and came inside the airport to pick me up. but he played a game. he was all. "i see you..." and i had no idea where he was. so i just sat down. until he came. hugged, went into Celebration. got Chik-fil-A. (sp?) so good. i love that place. went to his place to chill and that was pretty much it for Thursday. Friday. woke up. went out to lunch at a good chinese place in a really nice mall. and then he had to work at 4 or something, so i dropped him off. and i went driving around, the area, and that's when i went into Disney World. later than night i hung out with Megan and Mariah, we went to another mall. walked around, talked. good times. picked Andre up around 12 30 or 1 or something. Saturday. we went to a mall. then at night we went to Downtown Disney/Pleasure Island. with Spencer. (a youth kid) we went to the movie "the Longest Yard" it was funny. then on Sunday. church. went out to lunch with a bunch of church folk. then watched Troy. then went inside to eat cake for Andre's Birthday with Mike and Julie. sang with Mike. then we went to Joes' Crabshake, where andre works. ate. then went back to downtown disney and walked around. Monday. we went to Port St. Lucie/Jensen Beach. drove around. and then went down to Ft. Lauderdale, saw the Justices' hung out for a little bit. and drove home. rented In Good Company. then Tuesday. hung out. and then took me to the airport. so that's my trip in a summary. i had such a good time. but now i gots to get on with my day here in Rochester. blah blah blah. so enjoy the pics.
andy and bandon driving me to the airport. 5-26.  Posted by Hello
in the airport. delayed 3 hours. random shot. 5-26.  Posted by Hello
flying down to FL. 5-26.  Posted by Hello
Celebration. 5-26.  Posted by Hello
out of Andre's apartment window. 5.27.  Posted by Hello
out of Andre's apartment window. 5-27.  Posted by Hello
very nice house. 5-27.  Posted by Hello
really nice house. east lawn. 5-27. Posted by Hello
palm trees. they all have to be supported because of the hurricane last year. 5-27. Posted by Hello
SO CUTE. 5-27.  Posted by Hello
Andre and Mariah. 5-27.  Posted by Hello
Andre and me. 5-27. Posted by Hello
really nice apartments. 5-27. Posted by Hello