Tuesday, October 16, 2007

fall always brings feelings in my heart and mind of good times, bad times, new times...

it's doesn't help i'm on a grey's anatomy kick right now, and i miss Seattle so bad, i wonder through out the years now having
this website, how much i've typed that comment..."i miss seattle" it did something to me, it messed me up...not in a bad way, in a really hopeful way and happy way. i, well now since it's not just me anymore..."we" will be back there one day.

mike and i are doing great. it just the day to day stuff. work, school, sleep, eat, work, school, sleep, eat, etc.

this coming sunday is my 3rd sunday not doing music and i feel good. i don't miss it. it was time.

it does feel weird not doing any music though. my whole mindset has shifted, long time needed, but finally happening. good thing. i was so disillusioned with certain dreams. it's like i'm bitter towards music. it ruined me.

well that's it for now, i actually felt motivated to put pics on this website and it won't let me...ha. too bad.

got the wedding pics back, pretty cool.