Sunday, March 22, 2009

a few pics.

Hey, just wanted to share a few photos, nothing too extraordinary, but pics nonetheless...

So we finally got a "grown-up" bed and we are both enjoying not sleeping on a single mattress on the floor anymore. (GHETTO) and speaking of ghetto...that "head board" in the picture is actually our old mattress covered with fabric...ha. we had no where else to put it and didn't want to get rid of it. :) design on a dime yo. Thank you 2008 tax returns!

This is a tree that is blooming, the picture was taken in February, but just now uploaded it...anyways, it's pretty right now in this area, with most everything blooming!


Monday, March 16, 2009


So for a while now we have had a few plans.

Plan A- Win HGTV's Dream Home in Sonoma, CA. Win the SUV that comes along. Sell the home for about 1.8 million, trade in the SUV for a Lexus. Pay off all of our student loans and buy a decent home in the 300,000's or so. And give some money to the parents that have spent so much on us through the years. Live happily ever after and doing the things we love.

Well Plan A fell through. Some joker in FL stole our Plan A. So onto Plan B.

Plan B- Continue renting and watching our money disappear. Have so many student loans that it gets my stomach upset just thinking about it. Continue to drive a 97 Pontiac. Having the desire to buy a home, but knowing that it is in the very distant future. Live a life full of ups and downs, not knowing what is going to happen. Doing things that we need to do just to get by, not necessarily loving what we're doing.

So I don't mean to be just can be kind of disheartening not knowing the future and only dreaming of the future with "present" eyes.