Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Welcoming heather to sac.

the morning after...completely deflated.

the first night...inflated.

All the cookies we made for our neighbors!

after giving our upstairs neighbor the cookies, our neighbor gave us this cute wreath!

Christmas Eve, opening presents!

Taking pictures in the Capital Park.

heather liked laying on the ground. not sure. ha.

and again...

the orange doesn't fall far from the tree :)

heather amongst the bamboo.

mike and heather being mike and heather.

Mike and I enjoying lunch at Strings.

Mike's B-day cake.

Mike's b-day Brewhouse, amazing!

Cass Family Christmas...through skype...gotta love it.

Mimi and stella love Heather!


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Anonymous said...

I will pass on your article introduced to my other friends, because really good!
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