Friday, October 22, 2004

session two.

Minnesota Youth Convention 2004. Jeanne Mayo.
"Let's Dream"
Gensis 37:1-5

Joesph had a dream.
4 stages of Joesph's life:
1-the dreamer
2-the worker
3-the prisoner
4-the ruler

1. Life begins with a dream.
2 most important days: 1st day you were born, 2nd day is when you find out why you were.
Find out how God wired you and that's a good key to find out dreams.
2. Dreams tranforms to work.
If your not willing to do little how is God going to trust you with big stuff.
-leave the ego trip.
-God wants us to work!
3. Work transforms into injustice.
I'm going to have to pay some prices, but you gots to have some guts. God always pays on time.
His timing is always the best.
4. Injustice transforms into dreams.

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