Friday, February 11, 2005


so anyways, sometimes i can be stupid. just stupid. tonight, i was acting like, or trying to act like napoleon dynamite. one of my favorite parts in the movie is when napoleon went out in the kitchen to get a drink, and LaFawnduh, was asking him what he was doing, cause he was all sweaty. anyways, he takes a drink, real fast. and i don't know why, but i think that part is freakin' hilarious. so me being stupid, try to imitate that. but i had just open a bottle of pepsi, so all the foam stuff was kind of coming out...i do it, and the pepsi, shot up my nose like a rocket!! and me being an over dramatized person, fell to the ground. and laughed, till i cried. kelly and lindsay were my witnesses. and if i recall...they fell on the ground too. anyways...i tell that story to encourage you to be...

"be imitators of God..." (Eph. 5:1) not of napoleon dynamite. can i get an amen??

on to other things...worship night, it was pretty sweet. in fact, we recorded it and so i'm watching it back right now. we had a ok turn out...about 15-20 people, but those people wanted to be there and worshiped. so it was cool, a different band tonight, so had to adjust a little, i have gotten so used to my guys. it's cool though. i'm excited for the winter retreat. it'll be good. i have to say, i'm different. my sound/voice is different...sorry, just commenting on this playback. ok well, people are goin to friday's so i'm goin to shoot over there, and hang out a little, although i should just sleep...i'm sleepy. ok well enjoi. don't do anything i wouldn't do.

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