Monday, February 28, 2005


please stop, put down whatever you're doing, quit worrying about your to-do list, turn off the music or tv, put the cell phone down, silence your mind & mouth...and put your hand over your heart.
take a moment and listen.

feel your heartbeat.

take a moment and try to make your heart stop beating. you can't do it. you can't tell your heart to stop beating. you cannot command your blood to flow.
there's a reason your heart is still beating right now. jesus woke you up again this morning for a reason, a cause... not just to be a task-doer. not just to hang out and have fun. not just to work at something you don't believe in. not to climb the ladder of success. not just to live a routine life. not to just be like everybody else. not just to live an ordinary life.

what was an ordinary day in the life of jesus? raising the dead. healing the sick. opening the eyes of the blind. walking on water. forgiving the lost. calming stormy waters.
your heart is still beating this moment because jesus wants to take your ordinary day and turn it in to his kind of an ordinary day.

...your heart is beating. live.

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